1 more day down to welcome the new year -2011. Would like to send my warmest regards to all of you (who reads my blog for the whole year&everyone out there who loves me unconditionally & have fun with around the year!
*Can't stop blogging cos I know my readers can't stop following up with my current life and all
Hope its another good and blessing year with lots of wonderful things staying around
with me& everyone!
Yesterday , I bumped into Clarence ,my ex UNSW mate who happened to stop by Penang with his brother for a business trip. It's been 2 years since we last seen each other. He HAS grown bigger in size. Too bad I didn't snap a picture on him [was too busy talking to him!] and well, his speaking in Chinese was a bit special to me,cos he spoke very proper formal Chinese[I personally think]
This was him posing with my handbag in 2008
2010 him,spotted Clarence?
I think he grown bigger in size!
Great to bump into HIM!
-This year's Winter Solstice Day, I felt extreme grateful again as the lovely people had made"tang yuan" a.k.a glutinous rice ball for me .They were so thoughtful enough to make me feel so homey despite being away from home .
Early surprises.
the filling was winter melon sugar.
the filling was winter melon sugar.
Heavy breakfast,and I was rushing for class as I remembered.
Raisins as FILLINGS!!
unexpected and lovely (Both "tang yuan" by warden auntie)
Bee made it with a little help from aunty ^^
*had a wonderful dinner there too .
Part of the food :))
*the home-made cilipadi with garlic and soya sauce is a BOMB!
We went to the Temple Of Fine Arts to have some vegetarian food.
I can't resist the temptation and gobbled 2 plates till its clean!
noming off xD
-*I have been eating vegetarian food for the whole week *
Felt great!
*mummy was so busy making glutinous rice ball,hence I don't get to see her*
My lit bro talked to his new toy more than to me.
But I still love this notty boi!❤
Early Christmas eve sinful gift for Leon by dad.
*did I say early Christmas EVE?
yes, he had another presents on Christmas eve & Christmas itself
when he was celebrating Xmas in Bangkok.

He is so gonna be a spoil brat!!
[I'll "cultivate" him well when I see him soon,with my magical ways 

Notice how fast the woman drove?!
As some of you might concern , I went to the 7aste event which was held at 32 Mansion ,Pg at the 2nd week of Friday in December.(not that late right to blog aboutIt was a memorable night despite an arsehole appeared and screwed the enjoyment up! FTW!
Anyway,I was drunk after 5 glasses of cocktails and a beer [ pretty noob in drinking]. Well, I only have 3 pictures of myself in the event and some pictures were in my other friend's camera,hopefully she'll upload soon.
-1 great night
7ASTE,32 Mansion,PG
I couldn't remember that -.-
The cocktail was nice !
*bumped into my course-mate & some friends while redeeming the drinks
[small world,huh
After a tipsy night, the next night ,I went for a seafood "feast" with Bee & Boon.
[ We waited like half dead zombie for bloody an hour to have our dinner as there were many people,bad timing]
-Well ,it was another sinful ,satisfying night !
Some not-over-to-the-top pictures to tempt my readers. I hope I do!
The first was by mum, the second was cooked by me,[I added pumpkins]
*Notice there's only drumstick,yes I only eat drumstick
I know,mummy made better chicken rice than me><
*but wait she has her AMC rice cooker and pot,I only have rice cooker with me,
so DRAW !!
Mengkuang & potato slices with rice flour,

Are you able to guess what I had cooked?
I meant the ingredients,
minus the egg 
Porridge with noodles and lotsa cauliflower!
-Conclusion, my appetite comes back when the year is ending! Thankful !
Yes, that's the tall, well-built MAN I was talking about!
" FASTER" will be in cinema on 13 January 2011.
*credits to NuffnangMY for spreading this news
I bet it will be a good movie to welcome a kick-ass year later.
Like if you agree?
If you don't,means you bloody don't get what I'm saying and you hate him
-That's how tipsy "works"